Horticulture Department Centre of Excellence
Centre of Excellence, Jeedimetla
A. Sale of Pluglings of vegetables /turmeric produced at the Hi-tech green house.
B. Sale of produce i.e., vegetables and flowers produced in the CoE.
C. Raising of ornamental plants in the available open space and central media and their utilization as mother plants for multiplication and sale.
D. Conducting In-house training programs for farmers, students and officials from all over the country on payment basis.
E. Developing the project as a Horticulture-tourism hub by incorporating suitable landscape architecture.
Centre of Excellence, Jeedimetla
Centre of Excellence, Jeedimetla,
14, Pipe Line Rd, Praga Tools Colony,
Jeedimetla, Hyderabad,
Telangana 500067,
Phone: 7997724934
Email: coej-horti[at]telangana[dot]gov[dot]in
Entry Fee for Adults: Rs. 100/-, School Children: Rs. 50/-
Centre of Excellence, Jeedimetla