Horticulture Department Centre of Excellence
CenTre of Excellence for Flowers & Vegetables
Year of establishment: 2015-16
Location : Jeedimetla, Medchal (erstwhile Rangareddy) Dist.,
Area : 10.35 acres
In the state of Telangana:-
a. vegetables are cultivated in an area of 1.71 Lakh Ha.
b. Production of 31.95 Lakh MTs and
c. Productivity of 18.68 MTs per Ha.,
which is very less as compared to the productivity levels in Tamilnadu which is about 30 MTs per Ha.
Existing Scenario:
a. Total Population: 3.52 Crores
b. Requirement of vegetables per head: 300 gm
c. Total Requirement of Vegetables: 38.54 LMTs
d. Present production of Vegetables: 31.95 LMTs
e. Gap in Vegetable production: 6.59 LMTs
It is the 1st of its kind in the Telangana state. The CoE is sanctioned by GoI during 2014-15.
The main focus of CoE:
Protected Cultivation Infrastructure Created (26992 Sq.mts [6.75 acres]):
The infrastructure is created in two locations:
1. Jeedimetla and
2. Public Gardens
In view of the space constraint at Jeedimetla and also as Public Gardens is centrally located and is attached to the Telangana State Horticulture Training Institute.
Site A: Jeedimetla (20104 Sq.Mts [5.03 acres]): Hi-tech Vegetable nursery ( 2000 Sq. Mts), Naturally Ventilated Poly houses ( 11088 Sq. Mts), Walk in tunnels ( 3000 Sq. mts), Poly net houses ( 2016 Sq. mts), Shade net house (2000 Sq.mts).
Site B: Public Gardens (6888 Sq.Mts [1.73 acres]) : Walk in tunnels (1000 Sq. mts), Poly net houses ( 5888 Sq. mts).
Technology adopted Indigenous / improved technology with the support of CoE, Gharaunda, Haryana and State Horticulture University, Telangana.
Cost as per Project Implementation:
MIDH Share | Rs.782.00 Lakhs |
State Share ( Mandatory 15% of Rs.920.00 lakhs) | Rs.138.00 Lakhs |
Project approval by GoI | Rs.920.00 Lakhs |
Additional State funding | Rs.297.00 lakhs |
Assistance from other sources | Rs. 22.68 lakhs |
Total outlay | Rs.1239.68 lakhs |
Crop taken up:
Vegetables | Tomato, Capsicum, Cucumber, Leafy Vegetables, Lettuce, Broccoli, Cherry Tomato |
Flowers | Orchids, Gerbera, Rose, Carnation, Lillium, Chrysanthemum |
Filler material | Gypsophylla |
Strategies formulated for making COEs self-sustaining:
1) Sale of Pluglings of vegetables produced at the Hi-tech green house.
2) Sale of produce i.e., vegetables and flowers produced in the CoE.
3) Raising of ornamental plants in the available open space and central media and their utilization as mother plants for multiplication and sale.
4) Conducting In- house training programs for farmers, students and officials from other parts of the country on payment basis.
5) Developing the project as a Horti - tourism hub by incorporating suitable landscape architecture.
6) A business plan has been prepared for CoE, Jeedimetla with the co-ordination of NABCONS Pvt. Ltd. which will act as Management Tool. So that the same can be referred regularly to ensure the business is on course with meeting goals, marketing targets and operational mile stone and finally to become self-sustaining unit.
Area Particulars of CoE, Jeedimetla, Medchal
Site:A (Jeedimetla)
S.No. | Types of Structure | Size in Sqmtr | Nos. | Area in acres | Area in Sqmtr | Existing Crops |
1 | Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse | 2016 | 3 | 6048 | 1.51 | Gerbera, Orchid, Cucumber |
2 | Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse | 1008 | 5 | 5040 | 1.26 | Gerbera, Carnation, Rose, Orchid |
3 | Walk-in Tannel | 500 | 6 | 3000 | 0.75 | Gysophilla, Strawberry, Brinjal, Tomato, Cabbage |
4 | Hi-Tech Polyhouse | 2000 | 1 | 2000 | 0.5 | Vegetable Seedling Production |
5 | Shadenet House | 2000 | 1 | 2000 | 0.5 | Cucumber just Harvested |
6 | Poly-net House | 2016 | 1 | 2016 | 0.5 | Preparation for Cucumber |
Total | 17 | 20104 | 5.03 |
Site:B (Public Gardens)
S.No. | Types of Structure | Size in Sqmtr | Nos. | Area in Sqmtr | Area in Sqmtr | Proposed/ Existing Crops |
1 | Walk-in Tunnel | 396 | 1 | 396 | 0.1 | Preparation for Brinjal |
2 | Walk-in Tunnel | 604 | 1 | 604 | 0.15 | Preparation for Brinjal |
3 | Poly-net House | 1920 | 1 | 1920 | 0.48 | Capsicum |
4 | Poly-net House | 1280 | 1 | 1280 | 0.32 | Cucumber |
5 | Poly-net House | 1344 | 2 | 2688 | 0.67 | Roses, Tomato |
Total | 6 | 6888 | 1.72 |
Hi-Tech Nursery with Plug Production Unit
Annual Target: 55 Lakhs Seedlings
So far produced: 1.50 Crores (2000 acres)
Mechanized seeding unit with Hi-Tech Nursery has been established at CoE, Jeedimetla so that better quality vegetable seedlings can be produced by reducing Manpower and improving efficiency. Advantages are as follows:-
1) Better establishment of crops in main field
2) Less mortality after transplantation
3) Healthy and disease free seedlings
4) Seedlings are grown scientifically under hygiene conditions
5) Savings in quantity of seed used and time.